Jumma Mubarak Quotes, Dua, and Wishes
Jumma Mubarak Wishes: Every Friday is regarded as Jumma, a holy day for all Muslims across the globe. On this day, Muslims devote themselves to prayer, giving generously to charity, memorizing the Quran, and hearing Hadiths. It is crucial to welcome fellow Muslims with greetings like Jumma Mubarak’s wishes and messages, coupled with sincere duas and blessings, as this auspicious day has immense significance for the devout. Such gestures may also be expressed through social media. See the examples of Jumma Mubarak phrases, greetings, and messages below if you need some inspiration!
Jumma Mubarak Wishes
A blessed Jumma to you. May today’s prayers be answered in full!
May Allah bestow his unfailing blessings on every Muslim. Jeez, salutations!
I hope you have a nice and enjoyable Jummah. May this special day bring you happiness and fill your life with Allah’s blessings!
Happy Ramadan! A happy and blessed Jumma to you and your family.
For today is a holy day, may Allah show you kindness! Jeez, salutations!
All I want is that each Jummah prayer strengthens your trust in Allah and provides you all peace, pleasure, and forgiveness. Mubarak, Jumma.
Happy Ramadan to you! May this day bring peace and tranquility to you.
I wish you a happy Jumma! Ask Allah for forgiveness on this auspicious day!
May Allah forgive us all on this special day for all we have done, no matter how big or little, and direct us in the correct direction. Happy Ramadan to everyone!
All I ask on the Jumma is that you be graced with Allah’s graces and have a happy, healthy, peaceful life. Merry Friday.
Cheers to Jummah. Every Friday, May the All-Powerful shower you and your loved ones with His many blessings!
Happy Muslim New Year to you and your family. May Allah make sure that we are thankful for all of His benefits and that our hearts and minds are constantly prepared for His prayer.
Good buddy, Happy Muslim New Year to you and your family. Don’t miss the prayer today since it’s all about appreciating Allah for all the gifts in life.
Greetings, dear buddy. May Allah grant you the tranquility of mind, excellent health, and many benefits!
Jeez, salutations! The generosity of Allah is really beyond bounds; may He bless you!
Indeed, we are fortunate to make it to another Friday. A blessed Jumma to you!
Happy Muslim New Year to everyone. This Friday, may Allah grant us his favor by easing our difficulties.
We become nearer to our Lord via Jumma prayer, and He welcomes us through the celestial entrance of His Rahmat. I hope you have a lovely Jumma!
Jeez, salutations! May we be able to follow Allah’s commands till the next Jumma!
I’m praying for divine blessings to fill our lives on this holy day! Jeez, salutations!
Happy Ramadan to everyone! Let’s pray to the Generous and ask for compassion!
It is a blessing that we may come before Allah and beg for pardon! Jeez, salutations!
Jumma Mubarak Messages
Isn’t it remarkable that we offer Allah all of our troubles, and He rewards us with blessings? So just keep praying, and remember to pray for me as well.
Your Imaan becomes stronger, and the Noor of Jumma glows in your life as you do the Jumma prayer. May Allah accept your Jumma wishes!
Once again, Rahmat-Jumma day has arrived. May Allah shower you and your family with His kindness and blessings!
Jumma is back, along with the many benefits and the basket of Allah’s kindness. May Allah forgive us and keep our faith firm in our hearts.
One of Islam’s unique features is the ability to make dua for people without knowing them, and the angels will then ask Allah to favor you in return. Continue to pray.
When you assist people, smile because Allah assists the individual via you. May Allah provide everyone the capacity to assist others! Mubarak, Jumma.
There is no more valuable present to offer someone on this auspicious day of Jumma than a dua. May Allah accept all of your jumma petition, duas!
Jumma is a precious day that offers countless blessings and has more sawab. May Allah give us many opportunities to adore Him on this special day!
May Allah protect us from doing the wrong things that would distance us from Him and allow us to do the right things that will draw us nearer to Him. Mubarak, Jumma.
Jumma Mubarak Dua
Jeez, salutations! Keep me in mind in your dua, and I’ll think about you in mine.
I pray that this Jumma brings us wonderful favors! I hope you have a lovely Jumma!
Mubarak, Jumma. May this Jumma offer everyone peace, prosperity, and faith.
All Muslims have various associations with Fridays, as the thrill of attending another Jumma fills our hearts. May Allah hear our supplications! Jeez, salutations!
To everyone who has gathered to express regret and ask for mercy, Jumma Mubarak! Oh Allah, guide us straightaway and bestow upon us your benefits!
I hope you have a lovely and dazzling Jumma! May the Almighty hear our sincere pleas today and pardon us of our sins by His mercy!
Nothing escapes Allah’s attention, not even little errors or serious offenses. May we be able to pray for His compassion and blessings during this Jumma. Happy Ramadan to you!
Jumma Mubarak Quotes
Jumma Mubarak. Come to pray on schedule for the Jumma prayer and receive the reward of as much as offering a camel. – Sahih Al Bukhari – 929
Jumma Mubarak! Once on a day of Jumma, the messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said- “ Allah the Almighty has made Jumma as the day of Eid” – Ibn Majah
Whoever reads Surah Al-Kahf on the day of Jumu’ah will have a light that will shine from him from one Friday to the next. – Saheeh al-Jaami – 6470
I leave two things behind The Quran and My Sunnah; if you follow these, you will never go astray. – Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam)
Either some people stop neglecting the Friday prayers, or Allah will seal their hearts, and they will be heedless. – Abu Hurairah (Radi-Allahu Anhu)
The five daily prayers, and from one Jumu’ah to the next, are an expiation for whatever sins come in between, so long as one does not commit any major sin. – Sahih Muslim – 233
Be not like the hypocrite who, when he talks, tells lies; when he gives a promise, he breaks it; and when he is trusted, he proves dishonest. – Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam)
When Friday comes, the angels sit at the mosque’s doors and record who comes to the Jumu`ah prayer. Then, the angels roll up their scrolls when the imam comes out. – Abu Hurairah (Radi-Allahu Anhu)
On this day, there is a time when no Muslim stands and prays, asking Allaah for something, but Allaah will grant it to him. And The Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) gestured with his hands to indicate how short that time was. – Al-Bukhari – 893
Do not choose Friday night among all other nights for Qiyam (night vigil prayer,) and do not choose Friday among all other days for fasting except that one of you have accustomed to. – Abu Hurairah (Radi-Allahu Anhu)
Keep yourself far from envy; it eats up and takes away good actions, like a fire eats up and burns woods. – Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam)
Whoever Allah guides, none can misguide, and whoever He allows falling astray, none can guide them aright. – The Holy Quran
Allah will cover up on the day of resurrection the defects (faults) of the one who covers up the faults of the others in this world. – Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam)
Jumma Mubarak Wishes for Friends
Jeez, salutations! May Allah lighten your load and give you spiritual solace.
When you faithfully pray to Allah, He is open to hearing your troubles. Happy Ramadan to you!
Friend, when times are tough, seek Allah’s Rahmat with all your heart’s might, and He will hear you. Enjoy a tranquil and joyous Jumma!
Jumma Mubarak, cherished pal. I hope you will abide by Islam’s teachings and apply them to every aspect of your life. God bless you!
Hold your hands in prayer on this holy day and beg for forgiveness for all your transgressions and errors! Allah forgives you. Jeez, salutations!
Every Muslim’s life is impacted by the religious importance of Jumma, the sixth day of the Islamic week. The priority is to pray on Jumma and seek Allah’s blessings. You may send Jumma Mubarak greetings and messages to your family, friends, coworkers, and relatives using the abovementioned ones. Encourage them to offer extra prayers on this beautiful day and to beg Allah for more blessings. You may choose a greeting or message from this list to publish as a general post on your social media page. The Jumma Mubarak wishes and messages in our collections will enable you to greet your loved ones in the best possible manner since Jumma is an important occasion in the life of a Muslim.