Basic activities that include normal daily tasks such as bathing, dressing, toileting, grooming, eating, and sleeping. Activities of daily living may sometimes be referred to as self-help or adaptive skills.
Personality traits that play a critical role in the responses a child elicits from caregivers and that will ultimately shape their overall personality.
A complex form of social play where the child must be able to engage in the basic concept of the game as well as interact with others. It requires the more complicated coordination of the two activities at the same time.
A child who is very slow to adapt to new situations but often have many of the characteristics of the positive behaviors found in an easy child. Adults often find that it requires sustained contact to elicit a positive response from the child.
The use of eye contact, affect and gestures to create a shared experience with another person. Joint attention is considered fundamental to social functioning and is often researched by clinicians who work with children who may be at-risk for being on the autism spectrum.